Advance Baby Warmer with touch panel LCD Display (10.1)

Advance Baby Warmer with touch panel LCD Display (10.1) Manufacturers in sri lanka

Advance Baby Warmer with touch panel LCD Display (10.1)


₹ 150000



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At Nareena Lifesciences, we respect your commitment to provide the utmost care in the treatment of Neonates, we believe and understand the need for the continuous in house R & D to bring out the innovative technology. Keeping the same in mind Nareena has developed the Baby warmer with coloured LCD display and touch panel with all the controlling touch buttons on the LCD display itself to enhance the quality of the treatment and make the operator stress free.
Nareena's Advance baby warmer has been designed to deliver optimum level of thermal micro environment for the Neonates, required in the delivery room, emergency and NICU. With the help of infra red ceramic heater elements and parabolic reflectors, Nareena's baby warmer assures even distribution of heat on the entire surface of the bed to keep the Neonates in their comfort zone.

Nareena's Innovations

  • Nareena's Advance Baby warmer comes with the following features-
  • Comes with 10.1 inch coloured LCD Display and touch panel.
  • Comes with Voice function.
  • Lullaby Play, can select upto 10 Lullaby and play.
  • Temperature regulatory system on the LCD display.
  • Baby data feeding and retrieving facility with the help of apen drive.